
Eastbourne & Wealden


Status:Active, open to new members
When: on Wednesday afternoons
2pm 4th Wednesday
Venue: TBD
Gardening Group

Group Leader is Charles Ackerman.

The group will run as a 9 month course, starting in February each year, and will meet on the 4th Wednesday of the month. The course will be repeated in subsequent years with the same topics and a new group of members. If insufficient new members come forward then the previous year's members will be invited to continue in the group. The group will be limited to 7 members in total. The group is covering :

  • Composting
  • Organic Gardening
  • Bio-diversity
  • Re-wilding
  • Gardening techniques

There will be ample opportunity to discuss and share ideas and explore new topics.

You may send a message to the Group Leader by clicking the link above or for enquiries about joining the Eastbourne and Wealden U3A please contact theĀ Secretary